“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”
Is it just me, or does this quote by Kate Moss drive you insane? For years, decades actually, we’ve been fed the idea that health and fitness is bestowed only upon those who are skinny. In several studies conducted throughout the decades, and from just our own experiences with media and society, it is clear that the majority of people equate physical health with weight. One study asked participants to predict the length of time it would take five different individuals of varying size and weight to run a mile. The data was clear: The skinnier an individual was, the faster they were predicted to finish the act of physical exercise.
This is, however, total rubbish.
While yes, in theory, the less weight one carries on their body the less effort the body needs to expend to function properly. However, there is much more to it than meets the eye. Physical strength and cardio strength is simply not something that can be predicted or observed from the outside. Science has proven again and again that long term physical health is less tied to BMI or jean size, but rather physical activity and food consumption. And while yes, it is easy to assume that if a person exercises regularly and eats well, they’ll be thin, this simply is not always the case. The addition of muscle creates extra weight on the body, genetic predisposition helps determine physical proportions, and glandular conditions can keep added fat on the body. While all three of these examples can give the appearance of not being thin, they are no indication of the overall health and well-being of the person standing before you.
Skinny does not mean fit. Fit means fit. And to be honest, nothing feels as good as being fit. Not even being skinny.